

Cracking in
your foundations
Active or passive?

As cracks can be either passive or active, it’s important to determine which they are to select the best method for repairing them. This is why it is essential that one of our experts carry out an analysis. Below is an overview of the steps and procedures used for crack repair to give you an idea of the process.

Active crakcing in your foundations

Piling for a reliable repair

Unlike passive cracks that reach a stable state and present a smaller risk to the foundation, active cracks pose many short- and long-term risks. They are often a sign of clay soil and unstable backfill, both of which can cause numerous problems for your building (water leaks, structure deterioration, mould, etc.). Don’t delay and take advantage of our services for a complete assessment of your situation and to learn about our effective solutions.


Active craking in your foundation


For all types of active foundation cracks


There are a number of solutions and financing options available for you to address the situation and protect the value of your home.

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We repare
All types of foundation cracking!

Our experts find solutions optimally tailored to the type of cracking in the concrete, from analysis of the situation to financing. With over 100,000 driven piles of experience, and licensed by the Régie du bâtiment du Québec, accredited by the APCHQ, ACQ and OCCQ and referred by CAA-Québec, Alerte Fissure Inc. is a seasoned expert in the field! With our own team of highly qualified analysts and workers, we guarantee our work and offer guidance in the various financing solutions and subsidies available.